Horse Riding With Confidence #8
Hello 2018, what do you have in store for us? Well of course that is quite a difficult question to answer isn’t it? There will be many events and occasions which are predictable and expected such as the changing seasons, lengthening days, horses starting to shed their winter coats plus personal events such as birthdays, work commitments and perhaps holidays to look forward to. I imagine that many of you, like me, experience a sense of excitement at the beginning of a new year. Perhaps you spend time over the Christmas and New Year break filling in your new diary pages and making plans and setting goals for the coming year. For me, it is part of the fun of the season and I always look forward to it. I have a trusty old Filofax that I was given as a Christmas present many years ago and I love it. I always make sure I have plenty of blank pages for making notes and jotting down ideas and I also enjoy buying nice hard backed notebooks which I use for goal setting and making business plans. If we’re fairly organised and with a bit of planning most of us cope well with the expected events in our lives. However, how do you get on when it comes to the unexpected things? Those things which crop up out of the blue, the ‘Aaagh I wasn’t expecting that’ moments? The unexpected things can occur in any area of your life; work, family, personal health, horse health and of course, when out riding! This is where the old saying ‘Expect the unexpected’ comes in but have you ever thought about how best to apply this to your own life? This is where we need to learn to be flexible and to have some mental resilience to handle the unexpected. Most unexpected events will be easy to handle and probably quite pleasurable and we just take them in our stride but some may be challenging or disappointing. I think that it is important to learn to go with the flow and not to expect to be fully in control 100% of the time. If we insist that everything always goes according to our plans then we are setting ourselves up for difficulty when stuff happens which we aren’t expecting. So this year, when the unexpected happens then embrace it, enjoy it, learn from it and manage it as best you can. As always, if you need any help with this or find life particularly challenging to cope with then do please get in touch.